
Liosta Focail (Leasaithe 2006-01-16)

Focal Nuaminiú a fuair muidlch/ptuilleadh eolais faoin focal, nó abairt sámpla leis
Maothnas[maoth ] soft, tender, moist5Maothnas = ?  Ní bhfuair mé in Ó Dónaill ná san Fhoclóir Beag é.
Ó tráth go chéileÓ tráth go chéile = from one day to the next5
Ghrinniú[grinnigh ] scrutinize; observe closely5Á ghrinniú = being observed
LionsaíLionsaí an chuimhne chéin = lenses of long memory5
Saonta naïve5
Tráthúlacht[tráthúlacht ] timeliness, appropriateness5
MórgóirAr an mórgóir = by and large5
FriotalLeis an bhfriotal = with the utterance5
Doircheacht[ dorchadas ] darkness 7
Truaill[truaill ] case, sheath, scabbard; covering wretch9
ScataíScataí = periods of time9
Chruach[cruach ] stack9
glaic[ glac ] grasp per easy reader:9This is the Dative Case of a 2d decl. noun. Same as Gen.S. w/o final 'e'
amasattack; opening, opportunity (for attack); aim; guess;9Amas = aim
Taise[taise ] compassion, dampness, humidity; relic 9Gan taise gan trócaire = without compassion or mercy
i leabaI leaba rud = instead of a thing
Clabhtaclout, blow9
Baladh odor9
Amach ar an domhainout on the deep
Araíochtappearance, semblance; fitness, strength9Araíocht = appearance
Gálaí[gála ] instalment (payment)] gale9
Tuarforebode 9
fuireach calaidhdelay in port (due to weather conditions)10
Chur ó rathChur ó rath10A chur ó rath = to make useless
Dual don díoltas a bheith milis proper for revenge to be sweet10
Ghnóthachanto win, gain, benefit10
Sna firgrown up10
ar na saoltaAr na saolta = ? atá beo ?10 ar na saolta deireanacha seo - in recent times
Seachas dath eile other than anything else11
Dar fiaBy Jove! By Heaven!11Scrios fia orthu - damnation take them!
Chomhcheilge[comhcheilg] conspiracy, plot11
sceitheann[sceith ] spew, divulge, fray, overflow, vomit; leak 11
slíocann[slíoc ] pat, pet12
dheasóga dheasóg - his right hand12
ag corraíag corraí - stirring13
céadghairm an choilighthe rooster's first crow13
Meabhraíonnrembember, remind13Ardán seems like a toy town to me. (?)
sa gcaladhquay, harbour 13
pána[pána ] pane13
loinnireachloinnreach brightness, brilliance, radiance 13
léaschríochaléas chríocha13borders? Beyond the shiny bits?
Éill [iall ] lace -shoe, leash, strap, lash 13
mhadaí na cogaíochtadogs of war13
ag déanamh oirchille[oirchill ] anticipation, lying in wait for13
ag faire na huainekeeping watch over the green13
Fuil ina slaoda á stealladh[slaod] drag, flow loads of blood being shed, spilled13
an bád bán the emigrant ship13
nuaíochtnuaidheacht [nuacht] news 13
scarúint[scar] separate, diverge, part13[scarúint] variant verbal noun Indepedendent
sleasa[slios] side13
bothán buailíochta[bothán] hut, shack, shed buailíochta13buailtín - small milking place, threshing place? The póitín shed?
huachaise[uachais] burrow14
braichlise[braich] malt 14
súmhaire[súmhar] juicy 14
scleondrach[scleondrach] elated 14
tortóga fliucha féarachta[ tortóg ] clump [ féarach ] grassy (féarmhar) 14[féarach] pasture wet grassy clumps?
traithníndry grass stalk14Ní fiú tráithnín é- It's not worth a straw. Leagfá le tráithnín mé - you could've knocked me down with a feather
sliobarna[liobar] slattern; tatter; loose hanging thing 14
taoille[ taoide ] tide 14
raic[raic] fuss, uproar; wreckage 14
dúrud[ dú ] black, dark; great, intense;evil; unknown 14
teannadh[ teannadh ] pressure 15
bólaí codlatacha15
mioscaiseach[mioscaiseach] malicious15
cuimlíonn[cuimil] rub, wipe, fondle 15
caisearbháin[ caisearbhán ] dandelion 15
teicheadh[ teitheadh ] flight, retreat; escape, evasion 15
brioscarnachabrioscarnach crunching crackling crunch, crackle16
ag líocadh[ leacaigh ] leacu countersink; collapse ?16or is it just licking?
gcaladh[caladh ] quay, harbour16
taobhaíonn taobhaíonn16
fearacht[fearacht ] like17
suáilcí[suáilce] blessing, virtue 17
sceanta[scean ] cut up17
grifisc[gramaisc] mob 17
comhcheilg[comhcheilg ] conspiracy, plot17
ríthábhachtach[ rí] very [tábhachtach] consequential, important 17
beirithe[beirigh] boil 17
gráinnithegráinigh? Hated17
gonago na with his?17
MuranIsn't that 18
Ag pramsáilAg [pramsáil] frisking18
Sa gcailleachSa [cailleach] hag18
Haistíle[haistíola] play-acting, acting strange; freakiness 18

Curtha suas mar tabla, ach caithfead feabhas a chuir air


scríobh Blogger aonghus

Maothnas - is dóigh liomsa gur maoithneas atá i gceist - sentimentalism, fch De Bhaldraithe.

Á ghrinniú aige - being examoined by him

a sceitheann ar a chroí - which betrays his heart(intent)

1:35 PM  
scríobh Blogger aonghus

Is dual do X bheith y

usually a bheadh agamsa anseo - i.e. revenge is usually sweet.

2:01 PM  
scríobh Anonymous Anonymous

Éacht anseo agat, tábla a chur ar fáil. Maith thú.

11:03 AM  

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